Why relying on Stop CO2?
Stop CO2 carries out consultancy on individual projects or works alongside company resources, effectively representing an environmental manager. The benefit is to have, in a single interlocutor, a team of experts and technicians capable of understanding the business needs, planning a compatible environmental strategy, and implementing the identified solutions.
Remote working and a flexible team allow a reduction in operating costs, making Stop CO2 extremely competitive.
Stop CO2 is up to date with the latest technological development, always identifying the best solution on the market. Our expertise as independent consultants enable us to analyse traditional technologies, as well as next-generation systems, choosing the best solution for the client in any operating environment.
Bespoken Solutions
We offer tailor-made solutions, dedicating particular attention to the technological choices, organising the investment plan according to the real operational needs of the client and adapting it to an implementation path compatible with his budget and market strategy.
We place utmost attention to materials, ensuring maximum wholesomeness and ensuring biocompatibility, for a drastic reduction of internal pollutants and toxic wastes.
Professional Expertise
Our network brings together the best specialists in individual technical disciplines. Depending on the complexity of design and technology, we identify the ideal team for optimal management and specialised operations.
Operational Synergies
Our mandate requires a proper and reasoned choice of technology, such as to enable operational synergies between the adopted solutions, reducing implementation costs and maximising achievable savings.
Marketing & Communication
While supplying specialist technical advice, we support our client communication department, translating the technical benefits into useful communication and business marketing cues. We create an interface to connect the fundamental technical world with that of communication, in order to fully exploit the added value of a sustainable choice.
What makes us so special?
Stop CO2 is your ideal partner for energy management and environmental sustainability, consulting, designing and managing interventions aimed at redeveloping the existing operational structure to reduce waste and carbon footprint, as well as to increase profitability. Stop CO2’s team manages its skilled resources in a highly flexible way, containing costs while preserving excellent deliverable quality.

Flexible solutions
The entire team works and communicates often remotely, via digital media collaboration tools in real time. The work is allocated on the basis of specific skills for each project, optimising the resources involved. Thus, the network of Stop CO2 - while growing continuously - allows us a presence throughout the entire territory of the European Union, carrying out projects of international scope. The global consulting package can be tailored to the needs of the client:
• Global consulting: The customer is accompanied from the feasibility study to project implementation (from cradle to grave), including the assessment of the investment plan and the incentive resources available, in addition to the communication of the achieved results;
• Provision of bespoken technical consultancy: Stop CO2’s team undertakes an analysis and design of a single technical or logistical task, if the customer has already established a technological development action plan;
• Integration of systems and services with ICT: Stop CO2 is ready to deploy advanced services, demonstrating the enormous potential of “Smart” systems, both in terms of consumption and social innovation. The team relies on established partnerships with several Italian universities and research centres;
• Research and technical reports: energy audits, feasibility studies, carbon and water footprint assessments, saving opportunities in specific sectors, bespoken reports on latest solutions and technologies available on the market.