Energy Efficiency

One of the most important items of expenditure in the budget of individuals, businesses and public authorities is the energy bill. Stop CO2 carries out audits and simulations to identify the most energy-intensive sectors and plans energy saving strategies. Alongside with energy consulting, Stop CO2 deals with the technical design of energy efficient solutions, relying on its network of specialised engineers.
An Energy Management System (EnMS) allows companies to monitor their consumption and to take action to reduce it gradually, organising intervention priorities compatibly with the financial needs, as well as those of communication and branding.
Stop CO2 provides global assistance to the client, defining a protocol for internal Energy Management (ISO 50001), as well as training the client’s staff to enable the company’s know-how to comply with the needs of a technical and logistical virtuous path, towards energy sustainability.
Relying on specialists in the field means reducing the burden of energy bills, improving work conditions and comfort, increasing the company's competitiveness, not only on the technological innovation side, but also for communication and marketing opportunities, resulting from sustainable choices.
Stop CO2 designs high energy-efficient systems and solutions, identifying the best technologies and their operational synergies. Technological innovation, reliability and low operating costs are the main prerogatives of our proposed technologies and solutions. Since 2006, we have been designing energy-efficient residential, commercial, and industrial buildings, including luxury villas.
We identify funding to implement interventions at zero cost, paid off in subsequent years through the energy bills. The bill is kept constant for the duration of the project and then reduced drastically at delivery (E.S.Co. scheme). This scheme covers the entire capital costs of the intervention (EPC) and operation (O&M), keeping intact the capital of the client.