
Clients and stakeholders are reactive to what the public has at heart. Communicating company's results, in terms of energy efficiency and environmental sustainability, is crucial if you want to consolidate customer loyalty, acquire new customers and increase competitiveness through a clear branding strategy and corporate social responsibility.
The goal of Stop CO2’s marketing and communication campaigns is to give voice to the results achieved by the company in its path towards energy efficiency and environmental sustainability. Our communication's team is made by professionals working alongside the technical team at all stages of the project. They work in synergy with the client’s communication department. Thus, Stop CO2 develops integrated strategies to maximise visibility to energy retrofits and environmental improvements, disseminating the implemented best practices, with obvious benefits for both the company and the entire community.
Communication services include the development of web portals and applications for smart devices, crucial features of high-impact multimedia campaigns. These operations significantly increase the value of the investment with extraordinary positive impact on company’s branding and customer relationship. Similarly, the development of smart applications allows the improvement of working conditions and a constant monitoring of technological systems and business processes.
Furthermore, Stop CO2 communication strategies are end-to-end: our network creates ad hoc public events to publicise the results achieved. These functions are also developed according to sustainable criteria, compliant with ISO 20121 guidelines.