Environmental Sustainability

A company able to invest and communicate to its stakeholders the commitment to reduce its ecological footprint, benefits from the synergy between savings and eco-sustainability, improving business volume and competitiveness. Since 2003, EURISPES assigned to Europe about 70% of consumers willing to accept a price increase up to 15% for products and services with guaranteed full-blown eco-sustainability and social ethics, demonstrating the cost-effectiveness of investments in the field of energy and environment.
Investing in environmental sustainability means to:
• Reduce operational and maintenance costs of substantial internal services (eg. HVAC, lighting...)
• Improve quality and safety of workplaces, products and services
• Strengthen relationships with stakeholders, especially with respect to suppliers and end users
• Reduce the use of resources, improving quality and efficiency of the supply chain and waste management costs
• Rationalise the use of packaging and optimise mobility and logistics, saving dramatically on operational costs
• Improve branding towards suppliers/partners, as well as customers
• Optimise energy and supplies management system, in order to reduce the risk of interruption due to peak demands
Stop CO2 consultants can train client’s internal resources on site, to implement and manage the proposed solutions and to establish an Environmental Management System (ISO 14000). We implement sustainability protocols (Life Cycle Assessment) to monitor the business impact and identify improvement interventions, also as far as CO2 emissions are concerned (ISO 14064), assisting the client through the accreditation procedure, before the international certification bodies.
Smart Mobility solutions, Intelligent Monitoring systems and Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) implementation increase the already substantial savings achievable through technological turnover and - at the same time - enable a more efficient fruition of services and constant monitoring, even remotely.
Great attention should be paid to the use of materials, through the use of biocompatible, low embodied energy and easily disposable products, as well as to the reduction of packaging.
Stop CO2 produces reports and improvement plans for the migration to the strictest standards for environmental sustainability within the supply chain of any trade or industry. To certify and monitor a supply chain enables optimal conditions for the combination of cost savings, as well as for a corporate virtuous image, with strong communication cues and social implications.