Green Buildings

The technological evolution we are experiencing and in which we are active participants, finds its highest expression in the concept of Smart Building. Designing a building with consumption up to 90% below average offers variable payback times between 5 and 8 years, depending on the choice of technologies.
Since 2006, Stop CO2 has completed more than 150 residential and commercial projects. We work alongside architectural firms and construction companies to create luxury villas, renovate historic buildings, and design new buildings taking care of every aspect of the technological implementation, capable of reducing the energy consumption of public and private structures and spaces. At the same time, the improvement of the levels of comfort, ergonomics and productivity is guaranteed and actively monitored, as well as the healthiness of the working, commercial and residential environments.
From the small private or commercial renovation project, to the strategic planning of entire urban lots, the use of advanced and highly integrated technologies represents the turning point for the adoption of low energy consumption solutions and renewable source systems.
We design totally invisible air conditioning systems, daily or seasonal energy accumulations, rainwater recovery and phyto-filtration systems for gray and black water, chlorine-free swimming pools and biomass systems for the integration of heat production with arboreal pruning. Whatever the budget, there is always a suitable solution.
Stop CO2 designs solutions aimed at satisfying all customer needs, maintaining maximum energy efficiency and minimizing the environmental impact. We choose bio-building materials for thermo-acoustic insulation, in order to ensure maximum healthiness of the internal environments. Each technological solution is designed according to the criteria of reliability, eco-compatibility and economic performance for the maximum return on investment.